Friday, June 4, 2010

My week so far

For the lack of blogs, it's been weeks. I've been studying and preparing for summer classes. I wonder how all my classmates and professor have been doing, but I know that everyone is busy working or also preparing for whatever that is happening in their life too. I've been given a small break, but I'm anticipated to go back to school. I don't have a much handful of works right now, but I'm hoping to once school starts. Have not been on facebook much and I've been lecturing my younger bro to get his work in.

For summer, all my friends are working and I hardly see them or contacted them. Maybe I've lost touch and interest, but I'm doing all I can in so little time. And...everyone needs their own space and their own time as well. My blogs are getting shorter too. It's hard to think of an idea on the spot, but my ideas just come naturally. Right now, I'm pretty busy also. My parents have been going to their garden out of town lately. Hot, hot, hot days and then there's those cold nights. My week so far is stressing with my boyfriend and all. But, I'm hoping to work things out with him. Other than that, I also try to avoid watch anime (Japanese cartoons), but I just can't :(

I'm taking math and business class in the summer. There's goes an upcoming busy week. But I'm glad it's only one month, so I can triple the twice the more work phase. Wish me luck!